Calvert – Location & Facilities

Calvert Dark-Sky Telescope Site – Bourkes Road West, Calvert

BAS has been very kindly invited to utilize the privately owned facilities of the Calvert Radio Aeromodelling Field, also known as Gratton Field, located on Bourkes Road, West, just south of the hamlet of Calvert.  The site is about a 1 hour, 70km, drive from the Brisbane CBD via Walloon and Rosewood.

The location is recognised by two names searchable within Google Maps:

  • Calvert Aero Modelling Society
  • Gratton Field

If driving from Brisbane, head for Rosewood. Then take the Rosewood Laidley Rd west for 7.6km. Just after the first right-hand curve in the road look for two small bus stop shelters. Immediately after turn left into Calvert Station Road, cross the rail line and creek and immediately turn left into Bourke Rd, West. Proceed 260m to a gate entrance on the right with two white flag poles. Drive down the lane at no more than 30kph and you have arrived.  And, don’t forget to bring your $10 to compensate the facilities owner.  This will be collected by one of the attendees and left in the clubhouse for the site owner.  This helps offset the costs for site mowing, maintenance, facilities, and power etc.

Google Maps link to Calvert location: HERE  Search Google maps with either of these terms: “Calvert Aero Modelling Society” or “Gratton Field”

What3Words link to Calvert location: HERE or here:

Calvert entrance gate with two white flag poles.

The gate at the far end of the entrance lane, opening into the car parking area, is usually shut to keep cows out.  Please leave the gate as you found it- usually shut.

Please do not drive vehicles beyond the car parking area and into the model aircraft flight area (where the windmill is).  Tyre ruts can damage delicate landing gear and expensive aircarft.

The facilities comprise plenty of grassed open space.  Telescopes may be set up on the grassed carpark or on the flying field.  No vehicles to be driven onto the flying field.  The sunshade structures have 240V power outlets, available to BAS astronomers. 

The main clubhouse building has a kitchen, microwave oven, and refrigerators we may use.  Nearby is a toilet block.

Camping is permitted.  Either camp or park your vehicle in the main car parking area, or you can take your sleeping bag (and a camp bed/stretcher would be a good idea) into the main dining room area. Please leave the site as clean and tidy as you found it, or better.

BAS has New Moon weekend dates booked for the Calvert site and listed on our website calendar:

BAS members may utilize the site 365 days provided the owner is alerted prior to visiting.  Contact the BAS President to arrange permission to visit.  A $10 fee is payable per visitor.

The Calvert site has excellent facilities:

  • Kitchen with microwave ovens, BBQ facilities, refrigerators.
  • 240v power and running water
  • Dining hall with tables and chairs
  • Toilets and shower facilities
  • 240v power is also available along the flying field awnings
  • Extensive flat mown grassed areas.
  • Plenty of room for camping.
Some of the main facilities at the Calvert Aeromodelling Field.
Kitchen and dining hall area.