Witton Barracks – Public Telescope Night Venue

Witton Barracks is a community hub facility located adjacent to Indooroopilly Railway Station, at 9 Lambert Road, Indooroopilly: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KLe79sRzyAcuLW2r6    The courtyard behind the main buildings is the venue for our periodic public telescope evenings.  Our volunteers can carefully drive their vehicle right into the courtyard and setup gear directly from the vehicle – no heavy lugging required.

Event start and end times vary with sunset times, but typically run from about 30minutes prior to sunset through to about about 2hours after sunset.  Most events are timed around first-quarter Moon.  Event status updates are posted on the BAS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BrisbaneAstronomicalSociety

Astronomy Information Sheets

Brisbane Astronomical Society has created a number of PDF information sheets that may be of interest to educators and anyone interested in astronomy.

Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on our Milky Way Galaxy. Click HERE
Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on our Solar System. Click HERE
Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on our Moon. Click HERE
Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on the constellations. Click HERE
Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on star clusters. Click HERE
Click here for a downloadable PDF information sheet on some amazing astronomical objects. Click HERE

June Telescope Targets for Beginners

This is the June list of targets suggested for beginner astronomers.  BAS has lots of members taking their first steps in astronomy and telescope mastery. Finding, and observing, the Moon is pretty easy, however just about every other object, other than the brighter planets, can be a challenge to bring into view in a telescope eyepiece. As a result, we have produced a short list of targets appropriate for beginners. The list includes objects visible from within the bubble of city light pollution, plus other objects that require a trip to a rural dark sky. The list also includes maps to help you find the objects and links to sources of additional information.

Click HERE for the PDF document list.

Dobsonian Telescope – Getting Started Videos

Brisbane Astronomical Society recommends beginner astronomers should start their astronomy journey with a Dobsonian telescope.  The reasons for this recommendation are outlined in our blog article on the topic of “What telescope should I buy”.

However, there is more to using your new scope than just plonking a Dob down in the backyard and taking a look.  There are a few basic steps and procedures we recommend you learn as soon as possible.  Skipping the basics can quickly lead to frustration and your telescope relegated to a cupboard and hosting spiders.

 BAS has created three tutorial videos to get you, and your Dob,  started.

Dobsonian Telescope a Beginner’s Guide 

This video shows you how to setup your telescope, align the finderscope and push the scope around to get target objects in the eyepiece field of view.  Find the video on our Youtube Channel.

Light Pollution – Go beyond the City

This video explains why it can be frustratingly difficult to see astronomical objects from within the light pollution bubble of cities and major towns.  It also provides advice on what to do about the problem. Find the video on our Youtube Channel.

Stellarium Tutorial on Deep-Sky Star-Hopping

This video provides an introduction to the Stellarium planetarium application and how it can help you find and observe countless deep-sky objects such as star clusters, globular clusters, nebulae, comets and galaxies.  Find the video on our Youtube Channel.


You might also find the BAS lists of observing targets for beginners a useful source to get you started with deep-sky observing. 

Find a list for the March evening sky HERE.

Find a list for the June evening sky HERE.

March Telescope Targets for Beginners

BAS has lots of members taking their first steps in astronomy and telescope mastery. Finding, and observing, the Moon is pretty easy, however just about every other object, other than the brighter planets, can be a challenge to bring into view in a telescope eyepiece. As a result, we have produced a short list of targets appropriate for beginners. The list includes objects visible from within the bubble of city light pollution, plus other objects that require a trip to a rural dark sky. The list also includes maps to help you find the objects and links to sources of additional information.

Click HERE for the PDF document list.